Sunday, April 25, 2010

noise portraits


A briefly-narrated story – a pretext to create a series of portraits
Autism. А development disorder which hampers the human individual’s perception of and interaction with the surrounding world, as well as the organization and understanding of information received through the senses. A neurological disease (disability), as a consequence of which, the receptors’ functioning changes.
I found out about that in 1989. My daughter was 2 and half years old, and I was just completing my arts studies. Confusion and panic were followed by frantic search for ways to overcome that condition of hers. With Emiliana we ended up in a Swiss clinic where they applied a particular method for treating autistic people. Its specifics lie in the attempt to improve the sound receptor through exposing it to gradually increasing filtered noise. During the last therapy sessions the sound reached the limits acceptable for the ear. That method is based on the circumstance that individuals get accustomed to the strong noise. One stops hearing the tram passing by under their window by the end of the second week.
After 20 years, this personal story is my reason to create a series of works – large-format portraits – through adding up/laying of color noise until the image disappears. The swap of the meanings’ positions and the change of the message direction in the works transform them into an artistic and symbolic ‘therapy’ addressed to the ‘normal’ people.
Description/Method of realization
The project Binary Noise Portraits is designed to take place in a gallery space as an exhibition and a sound installation. It will present 18 works, format 130/200cм, arranged on а mirror-image principle. Each pair of binary works is connected to headphones and a flash-stick which transfer the participant into the noise environment. The material used for laying the color noise is porous foam and serves for creating the mirror (binary) images.


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